Rolls Royce Heritage Trust Visit and Tour

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Wednesday 19 March 11:00

From £0.00

Listed by Spice East Midlands


Today we have a unique Spice opportunity. An exclusive invitation to visit Rolls Royce Heritage Centre, part of their Learning and Career Development Centre, which is not open to the public. We have our own guide (the only way you are allowed to visit!)

They have an extensive collection of rolls Royce aero and car engines. Engines produced by companies such as Bristol Aero Engines, de Haviland and Armstrong Siddeley are also represented. The exhibition is time framed, starting with the early years and World War One with engines such as the Eagle, moving on through the inter war years and on to World War Two including the famous Merlin engine.

The exhibition then takes us through the days of early jet engines and Frank Whittle before moving on to modern day gas turbine engines including the RB211. Olympus engine as used to power Concorde and the Trent engine.

There is also a display of Vertical/Short take off and Landing Engines including the Pegasus as used in the Harrier jump jet. 

As well as aero engines there are also exhibits of cars, diesel engines, and marine applications.

Some of the exhibits have videos and audio commentaries describing their history and applications.

The LDC is also home to 'The Street' which houses the 'Hall of Fame' to people who have made significant contributions to Rolls-Royce and other aspects of aviation.

There will be a charity donation at the end of the visit.

Rolls Royce Heritage Centre 5


There will be an optional charity donation at the end of the visit.

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Wilmore Road, Derby, DE24 9GJ

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